European College of Hypnotherapy

European College of Hypnotherapy, UK
UK Tel: 01784 433421    •    International Tel: 0044 1784 433421



European College of Hypnotherapy


We shall run a 12-day Diploma course for a small group of students, on 4 days a week (Wedn. to Sat.) over 3 consecutive weeks, starting Wednsday 7th OCTOBER, at Ealing Broadway, London.

Please telephone Dr Hearne on 01784 433 421 for details.


Dr Hearne is probably the most distinguished hypnotherapist/trainer in the country!

  There are TWO different types of course (both totaling 12 days) for you to attain our Diploma in Hypnotherapy:

 a, An EXPRESS Dip.Hyp. course..

b. A 6-WEEKENDS Dip.Hyp. course.

On successful completion of either course, you may then join the GHR (General Hypnotherapy Register) as an Affiliate Member, obtain insurance and start up as a hypnotherapist.

For a longer-term view, you may then wish to attain our full Advanced Diploma in Hypnotherapy – which meets the agreed Core Curriculum and Learning Outcomes as mapped to the revised National Occupational Standards for Hypnotherapy, and thereby rendering you eligible for full Membership of the GHR and Registration with the CNHC.


There is also a Certificate In Past-Life Therapy and Spirit Release Therapy course for students and therapists who wish to add to their skills. (Click on the Courses picture at the top of this page for details).


Dr. Hearne endeavours to teach all of the hypnotherapy training course material in order to maintain a high standard of expertise in students.

Students completing a paid hypnotherapy training or other course may sit-in FREE once again on the same course (if there is room) running within a year!

Click on the COURSES picture at the top of this page for full information.


See below for Privacy Policy

Telephone (UK): 01784 433 421

For forthcoming CPDs (Continuing Professional Development days) – see NOTICEBOARD

For personal therapy by Psychologist Dr. Hearne, click here.

CLARENCEFounder/Principal: Dr Keith Hearne (BSc MSc PhD)

The hypnotherapy training College is a representative organisation within the General  Hypnotherapy Standards Council (GHSC)

Our hypnotherapy. training courses are probably the best courses in the country

We are way ahead of other training organisations, having new, unique techniques at the cutting edge of hypnotherapy.” (Dr Keith Hearne)


Practise it full time, as a completely new job, or part-time, so as to increase your income. It’s an interesting, high-earning profession – giving you independence, flexible hours, and great work-satisfaction.


Click on Courses picture at top of page to find dates and fees.



Hypnotherapy is of course widely accepted today, and used very successfully for the alleviation and cure of many different problems such as long held phobias, weight control, giving up smoking, improving self-esteem, reducing stress, enhancing performance, dealing with traumas, and so on. The 1993 British Medical Association report ‘Complementary Medicine – new approaches to good practice’ expressed a positive interest in hypnotherapy from the medical profession. Life-changing results can be achieved, and the power that brings about such change is within the unconscious – which is our friend, guide and adviser. However, the unconscious sometimes has a ‘different agenda’ to that of the conscious mind and the physical body, and this is where hypnotherapy is used to regain unity and harmony. When you become a student with us, we not only do hypnotherapy training to proud professional levels of excellence, but we care too for your self-development and encourage a seeking of inner understanding, so that you will be: better able to cope with relationships, better able to deal with stress, and better able to think of yourself as a success. You yourself can become more focused, more happy, and more relaxed. The College sees itself at the vanguard of introducing new techniques into hypnotherapy. Its Principal, Dr Keith Hearne, has devised several new methods including the conversion of nightmares into pleasant lucid dreams, a way of externalising hypnotic imagery (hypno-oneirography), new pain – control procedures, a ‘micro-IMR’ system, and the concept of the virtual self. He also discovered the association-pathway in incremental regression. Articles about these techniques have appeared in several journals and popular magazines recently, including Positive Health and Kindred Spirit. Research constantly continues.


You will be azemad taht you are rdnieag and urndnestidnag txet that lkoos lkie a fierogn luaggnae. How phaonmneal is the hmuan mind! A rscheearch at Cmagrigde Uinervtisy funod taht the odrer of ltteers in a wrod deosn’t mtaetr – the scigfniinat tinhg is taht the frist and lsat letters are in the crrecot palce. The raseon is taht the haumn mnid rdeas ecah wrod as a whloe – not ltteer by lteter. So, is slpeling ipmorantt? – just another indicator of the power of the human mind.


Dr Hearne lost a sentimental ring recently. However – in a practice session, a student used hypnosis on him to locate the item. Hearne’s unconscious mind indicated that it was by a synthesizer. On looking in a hold-all bag which was placed just underneath the instrument, the ring was found!


The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) legislation which came into law on 25th May 2018, provides strict rules concerning students’ privacy.  I take data-privacy seriously and want students to feel confident about how their data is collected, stored, and handled. Essential information about students (name, address, telephone number, date of birth. email address) is provided by each student, and we keep a record of payments, attendance, progress, and communications.

No data about students will be passed to any third party (unless required by law). The data will be stored for 7 years since the student’s last class.

The student has Rights under the new GDPR legislation. You may request: information about how your personal data is processed; a copy of that personal data; that anything inaccurate in your personal data is corrected immediately. You can also: raise an objection about how your personal data is processed; request that your personal data is erased if there is no longer a justification for it; ask that the processing of your personal data is restricted in certain circumstances.

You may view/download the ‘Guide to the GDPR’ at:

Dr Keith M. T. Hearne.
